"This prestigious honor is awarded annually to recognize the Air Force community, which provides the finest support to its AETC Unit. This award is presented by the US Air Force Air Education Training Command in partnership with the Altus Military Affairs Committee. AETC/PA provides the Altus Military Affairs Committee with a list of eligible units and contact information for Wing Commanders. The nomination process is managed and facilitated by the Altus Military Affairs Committee."
Read their article on the Holloman Air Force Base website, click here.
Below are the packets submitted by the 2017 Altus Trophy finalists. Please feel free to review them if it will help you in compiling your packet, and congratulations to the winner for 2017 – KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE AND THE BILOXI BAY AREA!
You can also download the pdf version of the 2017 Altus Trophy Letter from the AETC Commander, which includes the 2017 Altus Trophy Nomination Process.
Previous winners include San Antonio, TX (2016); Montgomery, AL (2015); San Angelo, TX (2014); Enid, OK (2013); Del Rio, TX (2012); Wichita Falls, TX (2011); and Columbus, MS (2010).
A Selection Panel of Altus Military Affairs Committee members will judge the entries and determine the finalists. Former AETC Commanders have also agreed to participate in the selection process and help choose from those finalists. Results are then forwarded to AETC Public Affairs with the final approval being given by the Air Education and Training Command Commander.
The 2019 winner will be announced during the first quarter of 2020, and the traveling trophy will be awarded during a ceremony in the winning community.
Nomination packets should include:
Note: Nomination Package should not exceed a 3″ binder. Page protectors are preferred. Package should be tabbed according to table of contents.
A PDF version of the packet (also formatted as outlined above, including table of contents) must also be submitted via email, CD/DVD or Flash Media.